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Activate your inner potential to pave the way to a life of abundance, love and joy

Theta Healing, Heilung, Seminar, Kurs, Selbsthilfe, Meditation, Energetische Arbeit, Schamanismus, Forrest Yoga

Something about myself ....

Theta Healing, Heilung, Katja Stefaniak

My name is Katja and at the beginning of the 90s I exchanged my homeland, the Harz Mountains in Germany, for sunny Spain.

I live with my family (that's my husband, our son and our dog) in Denia, on the Costa Blanca.


At some point, in my mid-30s, many moons ago, I was caught in a depressive phase. I was determined to get past the   as soon as possible and ended up in a yoga class in the process. Immediately after the first lesson I knew that I wanted to become a yoga teacher and that's where my path began... in a completely different, spiritual direction, with new impressions and new experiences.

In 2014 I started my first apprenticeship at Ana Forrest and becameForrest Yoga Instructor- and chief assistant.


Forrest Yoga is about "healing" in the asanas, like a detective, through breathing, finding places in the body that are causing us pain or discomfort, consciously feeling our heart, sending healing breath there. We often stumble over stubborn emotions that don't let us move forward.


I became curious about how I can get to the bottom of everything that is blocking me in order to resolve it. What is behind all this energy? There must be more than what we see or think we see. At least I felt that's not all. 


My wish was granted by the universe and suddenly I had a Theta Healing book in my hands. I was so interested in the topic that I booked a course right away (that was in 2015) and now I'mTheta Healing Instructorand yes, I'm still taking courses myself, it's just exciting to travel into this spiritual world and get to know myself better. Everything can be changed once you hold the key to the subconscious in your hands.













How does Theta Healing® work?


Theta Healing® is a meditation technique that connects us to the energy of creation. The brain is put into the theta brainwave, which gives us access to our subconscious. Imagine the following situation: When we are about to fall asleep or wake up, flashes of inspiration, memories or inspiration sometimes come to us. Have you ever experienced this? This is the theta state and you can consciously get into that brain frequency in a short amount of time.


At this moment we have access to programs, blockages, belief restrictions that we have developed at some point for a reason, mostly unconsciously, but which no longer serve us and prevent us from leading a fulfilled, balanced life. Many programs are also passed down to us from our ancestors through DNA. 

Theta Healing® is known for its faith work and downloads of feelings in order to learn previously unknown feelings in a matter of seconds and to replace limiting beliefs with new, beneficial ones.


Trauma and shock are dissolved and soul fragments that we may have lost in a state of shock are brought back to us.

My profileon the Official Theta Healing Webpage 

"You will be tomorrow what you think today"



+34 667 560 967

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